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  • Assistance for small farms to stay afloat against the Co-Ops.

  • Incentivize growth of "Green Products" such as Hemp.

  • Secure the survivability of local farms and farm related business.


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  • Bolster border security along the Canadian border.

  • Employ the New York National Guard to assist at all points of entry between New York and Canada.

  • Employ the Coast Guard to assist at all water borders between New York and Canada.


Campaign Reform


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  • Promote the "little guy" standing up and running for ANY elected office.

  • Reform the Primary process.

  • Candidacy responsibility and accountability.


Cancel Culture


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  • Cancel Culture needs to be removed from society.

  • Holding people to present day standards that were not the standard in the past should not face "cancellation".

  • The past cannot be erased; failing to learn from the past sets us up for continued failure in the future.



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  • The citizenship process needs to be refined in both cost and "red tape".

  • Pathways to Citizenship should be created to assist potential applicants for citizenship where the process for citizenship would be expedited through civil and social service.



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  • Legalization of ANY drug that can be used in it's natural / pure form AND does not permanently affect the function of the human brain will become legal.

  • Legislation regarding the sale of legal drugs will be reformed and better defined.



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  • ​Reel in the State Budget to balance without the aid of the Federal Government; make New York financially self-sustainable.

  • Timely passing of a balanced budget with ramifications for failure to meet set deadlines.

  • Financial bailout program for average citizens, not just businesses.

Education Reform


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  • Education needs be at the forefront of legislation.

  • Better funding to public schools starting at the lowest levels of education.

  • Learning will be based on fact; outside the principles of Government and Religion they will not be part of the curriculum.

  • Better pay for teachers.

  • Vocational skills and adult education will become part of BOCES supported by SUNY.

  • Private schools that receive state funding will adhere to state educational guidelines.

  • Money will be directed to education before athletics and extra-curricular activities

EMS Reform


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  • Funding for EMS will be funded by the State.

  • Insurance charges and reimbursements will be paid out to the EMS departments within 30 days of submission for the total amount billed.

  • Pay will be increased based on the importance of the duties of EMS personnel.

  • Education and training will be covered by the State.

  • EMS department equipment will have a 5 year wear out date and funding will be made available by the State for new and current equipment.




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  • Employment into areas deemed essential will be boosted.

  • Employment based on the improvement of our environment will be incentivized.

  • Small, locally owned businesses will be focused on and will receive incentives to level the playing field against major corporations.

  • Bailouts will be offered to small, locally owned businesses similar to what are offered to corporations.

Environmental reform


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  • Environmentally friendly processing will become a focus and companies offering environmentally friendly products will be incentivized.

  • "Green" products will be made in "green" processes using "green" materials.

  • Reusable energy fields that supply power to the urban areas will be required to supply at least 50% of the energy collected to the local power grid or decrease billing by 50%

  • Businesses that do not produce Earth-Friendly products will incur penalties.



  • The State Redistricting Commission will work independently from political party.

  • District lines will have stricter guidelines in their creation.

  • Interference with our process of re-districting will be harshly dealt with and will result in immediate and permanent loss of electivity.


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Healthcare Reform


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  • Statewide Healthcare will be reformed and necessary care will be given / received at no cost.

  • Secondary insurance will be authorized for elective procedures.



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  • Internet will be available for every resident in the State.

  • Water and Sewage systems will be upgraded or replaced.

  • Ports (land, sea, and air) will be boosted to handle more entry.

  • Roadways will be redone in a manner that will last longer than the current lifespan of the roadways.

  • High speed avenues will be updated to improve faster travel across the State.

  • Mass transit systems will be build or upgraded to improve faster travel across the State.

  • Power grids will be upgraded and built to survive the harsh weather conditions of the State.

  • Flood protection will be created or upgraded so it is in place for emergencies, not as a reaction to an emergency.


Interstate Commerce


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  • Roadways will be built or repaired to higher standards of quality.

  • Rail systems will be improved upon.

  • Commercial Drivers will be utilized to assist in highway safety.

  • Commercial Vehicle Lanes will replace HOV lanes.

  • Brokerages will be controlled and will not be able to charge the high rates currently charged.

  • Small trucking companies will receive State assistance to help with high insurance costs.

  • The under-18 commercial drivers will be enrolled in a 4 year program that gradually increases their workload.

  • Commercial licensing will be obtained by qualified applicants ONLY.

  • Commercial drivers will gain protection from incidents automatically going on their driving record without the knowledge of the driver or the ability to fight a claim before it goes on their record.

  • Drive 4 Change; a comprehensive plan specifically designed to help truckers, not necessarily the industry.


lgbtQ+ Equality & Rights


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  • The LGBTQ+ Community will receive the same support and legal protections as any other citizen.


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Line-Item Veto


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  • Line Item Veto must be a power granted to the Assembly and State Senate.

Line Item Veto (Banner)



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  • Mass Media must be fact based; social media is the place for opinions.

  • Media outlets must be held accountable and responsible for the impact of their reporting.

  • The Fairness Doctrine needs to be revamped and re-presented in legislation.

  • Famous individuals will be held accountable and responsible for their passing of information.



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  • A Fort Drum and North Country Community revitalization project must be funded.

  • Focus needs to be put on not only making the North Country someplace servicemembers and their families not only want to stay after their tour of duty here but it needs to be a place that they want to, and volunteer to come to.

  • Numerous amenities will be proposed to improve Soldier and Veteran lifestyles across the North Country.

  • Creation of an active National Cemetery.

  • Incentives for local businesses to interact in a shared environment.

  • Creation of a Gold Star Family Center.

  • Creation of a memorial wall.

Police, Judicial & Prision Reform


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  • The entire justice system in New York needs to be reformed.

  • Selection and training to become an officer will be improved and intensified.

  • Police officers will have mental health care more readily available to them and their families.

  • Police officers will be required to be proficient and qualified on their assigned firrearms.

  • Equal judgment standards will be enforced in courts.

  • Lawyers and Attorneys will be held more accountable and responsible for their handing of cases.

  • The bail system will be reviewed and reformed.

  • The prison system will be a unique system that rehabilitates inmates and prepares them to succeed outside the walls of prison.

Political Equality


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  • All politicians on all levels of government will be treated equally, regardless of their political affiliation.

  • Stock trading and investing will be heavily monitored and politicians or their families will not be allowed to use their positions and insights from their positions to acquire advantages not available to average Americans.

Pro-Whole Life


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  • The idea of the entire life-span of a human will be taken into account which will make our State have to rethink abortion, adoption, welfare, prison terms, death sentences, and assisted suicide.

  • Abortion will remain a choice but other options will be offered.

  • Adoption will be strongly encouraged at no cost or legal liability to the biological family.

  • Child endangerment, to include molestation and rape will be harshly punished.

  • Pedophilia will be treated as a mental disease unless physical acts are caried out, then it is a crime.

  • Special attention will go to the elderly; their lifestyles, health, and care.

Racial Diversity & Hate Groups


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  • Hate groups will be illegal, period, regardless of their basis of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or any other factor.​



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  • Any legislation that directly affects those voting on that legislation will be put to referendum and the population will vote on these items.

  • Any decision that directly affects the day to day life of the people shall be decided by the people through referendum vote.

  • Any Initiative that receives the number of signatures equal to the number of signatures required to get a candidate on the ballot for State Senate will be put before the State Assembly and Senate for discussion for creation of legislation.

  • Any Initiative that receives the number of signatures equal to the number of signatures required to get a candidate on the ballot for Governor will be added to the next ballot and will bypass State Assembly and Senate discussion.

The Second Amendment


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  • The Second Amendment is law and unless it is overturned or amended we must grant the rights and provisions of this amendment.

  • Background checks need to be more in depth, looking at not only criminal history with weapons, but criminal history in general, as well as phycological evaluation.

  • I support a waiting period or cool off period between paying for and physical acquisition of a weapon.

  • The Second Amendment does not limit what type of guns we may possess thus we must follow the original guidelines of the amendment until it is reformed or overturned.

  • Registration of weapons does not infringe on your right to bear arms; thus I support registration of weapons.

  • Concealed carry is not limited by the Second Amendment; thus I support concealed and open carry.

Separation of Church & State


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  • Separation of Church and State OR total inclusiveness of ALL religions must be allowed.

Tax Reform


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  • New York citizens need to receive assistance from our taxes before those from other states or nations.

  • I support equal taxation through a flat tax on individuals and a separate flat tax on businesses and separately on "mega-corporations".

  • I support legislation that punishes corporations that manufacture products harmful to our planet through extra taxes..

  • Tax code will be reviewed to close gray areas and loopholes that allow the wealthy to not pay taxes, or not pay their "fair" share of taxes.​

  • Tax exceptions will be held to a new standard that forces them to use their donations for the causes they claim to support or lose their status as tax exempt and face fines and penalties.



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  • Term limits are needed at all levels of government and appointed positions.

Universal Identification


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  • Universal identification is needed to simplify and universalize the State care received.

  • Universal identification would merge drivers license, State aid, healthcare, weapons registry, voter identification and more.

Voting Reform


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  • Voter identification will be required in order to vote.
  • Voting will be incentivized through a tax credit.

  • BALLOT REFORM: Ranked Choice or STAR / Open Primary Voting

  • I support and will legislate for the creation of a secure online petitioning and voting system.

  • With my Universal Identification (UID) and the creation of a secure election "portal" which would allow ALL 

  • Facebook
  • X
  • Linkedin
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
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Lonny Koons served in the United States Army. Use of military rank, job titles, and or photographs does not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense (DoD) or the Department of the Army (DA).

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